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5 Principles Of Reiki

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

Just For Today I Will Not Worry

Worry causes stress and anxiety leading to an imbalance of the mind body and spirit and blockage to the root chakra.

The best way to overcome worry is to accept that all of us are faced with difficulties and setbacks in our lives. How we respond to them determines how we ultimately lead our lives.

If you choose to respond negatively by getting upset and anxious towards one of life’s setbacks you have chosen to damage the balance of your mind body and spirit.

If you respond positively by accepting the setback as an opportunity to learn you can live a happier and more fulfilling life.

Allow yourself time each day to really laugh and have fun. Watch a funny movie or television show. Read a humorous book or magazine. Whatever it takes to make you laugh — do it. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Man surrounds himself with images of himself.” This wonderful pearl of wisdom teaches us that if you want to be happy mix with happy people. Likewise if you want to be negative and constantly worrying you simple need to associate with people who are negative and worrisome.

Laughter is a wonderful healer. It has been proven through numerous studies that laughter can heal and in some cases prevent life threatening illnesses. Use this knowledge to live a healthier and longer life. Take responsibility for how you deal with life’s setbacks. Have fun — life’s too short to waste it worrying.

Just For Today I Will Not Be Angry

Anger is an emotion. When we get angry we lose control of that emotion. In order to live by the above principle we must understand what triggers our anger and how we can choose to remove this destructive emotion from our being.

In every confrontation that leads to anger the person or thing pushing your anger button has complete power and control over you.

This simple realisation allows you to take back control of your emotions and as such you can now choose to respond to a situation in a positive way rather than react to a situation in a negative way.

Every time you meet someone there is an exchange of energy. If you are both happy and find the meeting was enjoyable then the energy exchange is neutral. However, if you lose control of your emotions and become angry, the other person steals your energy. Likewise, if someone gets angry at you then you are stealing their energy.

With this simple philosophy you can counter the endless situations or people that in the past have triggered your anger and caused you to react in an unhealthy manner. Next time someone honks their car horn at you or criticises you for no apparent reason smile and say to yourself I am not going to let you steal my energy.

Just imagine how much better you will feel when you choose not to react to negative people or situations. How many times in the past have you shouted abuse at another car driver and still felt the anger in your stomach an hour or so later. That person stole your energy. They probably drove on laughing at how silly you looked when you lost your composure. You allowed them to cause you stress, anger and probably indigestion. Only one person came out of this confrontation with their energy intact and it wasn’t you.

Anger is a choice response. Decide each day not to allow your energy to be stolen from you by negative people or situations. On a physical level anger can cause stomach and digestive disorders. Choose to live a healthier life free from anger.

Just For Today I Will Do My Work Honestly

Honesty means different things to different people. Many people feel it is fine to take home a few pens from the office, the company turn over millions in profit each year so they can afford to lose a few items of stationery.

While another person will judge the same incident as an act of theft and believe that anyone found stealing stationery should be dismissed and charged with theft and even prosecuted.

Everyone at some point is dishonest. You may not steal from another person or company, but instead steal from yourself.

For example if you a have a talent to help people and you choose not to then you are stealing from yourself by denying your gift.

You are also stealing from the people who could benefit from your talents. Wasting your time on meaningless pursuits such as watching television for hours each day is stealing from your sacred and special time on Earth. Try to live your life to the best of your ability as honestly as you can. Honesty lives inside of you and doesn’t care about being placed where others can view it.

Finally, in your pursuit of a happier life I urge you to encapsulate the words from Michael Landon (the father in the television series “Little house on the Prairie”) in his last interview before he died prematurely of cancer. He urged us to “Live Every Second”.

Just For Today I Will Give Thanks For My Many Blessings

Life tends to give us what we need, it may not be what we want but it will be what we need. Karmicly throughout our lives we receive what we need to grow and learn in this lifetime.

If we grasp these lessons and grow accordingly we will become spiritually enlightened. Instead of wasting your life complaining of the things that have happened to you, and the problems you face.

Step back for a moment on a regular basis and discover and appreciate the many blessings in your life.

Make a list of all your blessings. You will be amazed at how many wonderful things there are to give thanks for. Leave the materialistic things aside. They are shallow and meaningless. Pay attention to, and focus on the things that are free and bring joy and humility to your life. For example, your mind, body, spirit, health, family, friends, flowers, trees, sea, sun, love, faith, knowledge, the countryside, animals, birds, etc., the list is endless.

When you appreciate the true wonders of life and let go of the materialistic things you are bound to enjoy your life more.

Just For Today I Will Be Kind to My Neighbour and Every Living Thing

The law of karma states that what goes around comes around. Send out love and you will receive love back in return. Send out kindness and you will receive kindness. Send out healing and you receive healing. Send out positive thoughts and you will receive positive results.

Karma is a two edge sword. Send out negative thoughts and you will get negative results. Living within this precept will give you a happier and less stressful life full joy peace and love.

To bring balance to this principle for yourself or others first place one hand on the third eye chakra and the other hand on the root chakra. When you feel you are ready, move your hand from the third eye chakra to the throat chakra, and move your hand from the root chakra to the heart chakra keeping it there until you intuitively feel you have finished.

It is important to remember that the Reiki principles are only guides for a happier and more fulfilling life. Use meditation to unlock the true meaning of these precepts and incorporate them into your life. They will tranceform your life.

The 5 Reiki Principles are not commandments; they are simply gifts of wisdom.


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